Wednesday 13 August 2014

Why A Louis Vuitton Bag (Or Any Other Expensive Bag) Is Not For Me

The sight of Louis Vuitton (LV) bags in malls, parks, or even in zoos is very common here in the UAE. Woman or man, young or old, can be seen carrying these expensive bags. But it's not just the LV that's common here. In this region where luxury is synonymous to Dubai, well, let's just say there's no shortage of luxury here, from houses to cars and gadgets, if its luxurious, you can find it here in the UAE. Let's just focus on the bags for now and the most common luxury bag here is LV.

LV's prices start from 1500 dirhams to higher than 15,000 dirhams per item. That's already a small fortune where I am from! Of course I dream of owning a LV (who doesn't?) in the future where I see myself swimming in money, but in the present, these are the reasons that hinder me from actually buying one.

For one, I don't own a car, I use public transportation. I would probably save money first for a car rather than buy a LV. If I can't afford a car, that means I still can't afford a LV. There are times where I imagine myself clutching a LV bag tightly for fear that it might get snatched or slashed while inside the public bus in my country. Oh the perks of living in a third-world country.

An original LV would look fake if I carry it. I kid you not. I am not the well-dressed type of woman. I don't keep up with the trends and insist on my simple yet dependable wardrobe. I go to the hypermarket in ratty old sweatpants and loose shirts, if I see someone in the same outfit wielding a LV, even I would assume it's fake.

I don't own a house. I will save money first for my house before I buy a LV. No house, no LV.

I would rather buy gold jewelry than buy a bag. The jewelry I can sell for a higher price if I would need money in the future, but the bag, I don't think I can sell it for more than what I paid for. I see bags as liabilities and not as assets.

I haven't saved enough money. If I buy a LV, it would make a huge dent on our savings and saving money is one of our priorities since we don't want to be expats forever. We need to save so we can go live a simple and decent life back home. 

I easily get tired of using the same bag for long periods. With LV's, in order to get more bang for your buck, you have to use the bag every chance you get. And I think it would take years to get your money's worth.

I also think about the people who barely have enough to money to feed their families and here I am contemplating whether to buy a bag that would probably buy them a year's supply of food. I get guilty just entertaining the thought of buying an expensive bag. 

I'm usually content with my bags which I bought for about 80 dirhams each back home. But there are occasions when I find myself regretting not having a LV, or any designer bag at that. Like the times when I go out with friends and all of them are carrying LV bags and wallets, well, you get the picture, I'm the ONLY ONE without LV. Don't get me wrong, I love my bag. It's simple but pretty, it serves it purpose well by carrying the things I need, it's waterproof, it's just the right size, but then again it's not LV. Alas, peer pressure is still present even now that I'm no longer in school.

Several times I almost succumbed to the pressure of owning a LV. But then I think of the reasons why don't buy one in the first place and I get sad for a few moments, then carry on. It's just a bag. There are other things more beautiful and rewarding to spend that much money on.

Maybe I am practical, or maybe I'm a cheapskate. Whatever it is, I'm sticking with my bag. 

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